There are definitely situations where you should take things one phase at a time. As the saying goes, the way to eat an entire elephant is one bite at a time. However, when it comes to remodeling your home, it might not always be the ideal solution to tackle one project at a time. There are many different scenarios where a whole-home remodeling project is going to be the best way to go.
One reason to consider a whole-home remodeling project is that it is often easier to get financing at one time for such a project than to get separate loans as you work through the various phases.
Another reason to consider a whole-home remodeling project is that you’ll pay the lowest amount by doing it all before prices increase on building materials and labor. Consider it a hedge on inflation. You’ll enjoy a much better return on your investment if you don’t wait.
The last point we want to make about doing a whole-home remodeling project is that you’ll face less of a disruption doing it that way. Instead of struggling to go without your kitchen this month and a bathroom next month and so forth, you can arrange to stay elsewhere while everything gets taken care of at once. This might even be a great time to take that long cruise you’ve been thinking about or visit family you’ve been longing to see!
If you would like to investigate what a whole-home remodeling project would be like and learn more about how the process works, reach out to us at Neighbors Home Remodeling. We are happy to take the time to learn what your objectives are and make recommendations that will achieve them. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.